Minggu, 15 Juni 2008

Handpone as a Media to Transfer porn Video

In the globalization pheriode, technology growth is more progress. In ona side, it’s very usefulfor us. It can make our daily job easy enough. In the other side, there is some mistakes produced it. As a real examples, we can take one of it. It is a using hadphone less. Many people like using Handphone to transfer porn video.

Now a day, we can see that almost in every own handphone included porn video. So, there is going to a ways some “Razia” from the security. Even, the owner is not only adult, but the students even a child do it too. It’s very dangerous. Because it can destroy their nation.

Many factory cause it. It can be observed that one of factor influence this problem is how less their environment attentions. From Their parent’s maybe. They cannot give more attention to their childrent, So, They search other business. Besaide that, their friends can influence their mora. A good friends giving positive thinking. Opposite, a bad friend is giving negative thinking.

Therefore, We need some specific way to solve it. One of them is by increasing our iman and taqwa to our god Allah SWT. Many way make it come trie, like doing positive action. We hope that all of the community moral is going to be good, so our nation will be more progress.

Save our life, save our nation.

14 juni 2008

Shufy Rif’ah Makhsusi

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